New CG + music

Demo updated with more music, and a new version of the letter illustration by our new artist, Thai Chau, replacing the old one to improve the art consistency of the game.

Our Kickstarter campaign is going well, but it would be awesome if we could reach more people and get some stretch goals, so yesterday I added community goals to help us have more visibility. You can help us even if you can't back our campaign! 

Our Kickstarter-->

Our pinned Tweet--> (81 retweets already!)

Our pinned Facebook post-->(7 sharings)

And we've got a fanart already!

Steph Nguyen


DEMO Night and Day (Windows) 179 MB
Jun 04, 2020
DEMO Night and Day (Mac) 161 MB
Jun 04, 2020

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Excited for the new update and new cg! Though I'd suggest you ask your artist to fix the eyes they're very unfocused and ruin and otherwise great piece!