Demo available!

The first demo of Night and Day is now available!

What you will find on the demo:

  • The first two days and a half of Paul's new life in Paris! (around 10k words) We get to meet Ferdinand, Gilles and a bit of Emile.
  • Stats system, Paris map and CG gallery implemented. 
  • Paul and all the love interests have finished sprites.
  • All the necessary backgrounds are in the game, although two of them lack a night version.
  • One CG.

There's a longer, more complete demo planned for next month, before the launch of the Kickstarter, that will include:

  • The first four days: Paul gets to know Emile better and meets Bernard.
  • Stats screen implemented (showing calendar, stats, money, and affection points with each love interest).
  • Denis, Nathalie and Ophelia will have finished sprites.
  • The two missing night versions of the backgrounds will be there.
  • One additional song.
  • Two CGs more.

By the way, I'm taking out the flower shop scenes from the demo, except the first one, when we get some needed explanations: it would make the demo too long, and I don't know if people will be that interested about that part. Just so you know the complete game won't have just a "you go to work, you earn X points, X money": not my cup of tea. The finished game will show sprites for ALL the characters in the game, too.

Feedback is much appreciated! We need your comments in order to fix issues and improve the game!

Remember you can get frequent updates if you join our Patreon ;)


DEMO Night and Day (Windows) 102 MB
Mar 02, 2020
DEMO Night and Day (Mac) 84 MB
Mar 02, 2020

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ooo I am liking emile


Really? The poor grumpy guys looks like an asshole in his first appearance, hahaha! But I swear he's not as bad as he seems at first.

what is it about otome protags and not liking alcohol? I just noticed paul doesn't and made me realize this seems to be a thing xD btw will denis have a sprite? 

Yes, Denis, Nathalie and Ophelia will have sprites in the next demo. And hopefully all the rest of the cast, even the small characters, will have a sprite in the finished game.

And lol that's his beginner's phase, I can't say what will happen by the end of the story.