Steam release + adult patch!

The Steam version of the game is finally available!

 At last! It's only been... sorry, I lost count of the weeks since I started the process to launch Exes Assault!! on Steam XDD The back and forth with the Steam support team has been difficult this time, but hey, it's all said and done now.

However, the Steam version is the SFW version we have here on itchio on its own page. Safe for streaming (although it still contains swearing, partial nudity, and adult situations, but no genitalia or explicit descriptions), and hopefully safe for Germany and other countries with a strict policy against +18 games.

The good news is that you can play the game on your Steam library with an adult patch that you can download from this very page. It's the only way we can have the game available on Steam for Germany, Russia or China, so I hope it works. 

To install the patch, just open your Steam Library, right-click on the game, choose "Manage/Browse Local Files" and add the patch to the "game" folder.

Of course, if you bought/buy the game on itchio, you can claim a Steam key from your game page! ;) Gotta get those achievements!

Files 117 MB
8 days ago

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I might just be having an idiot moment but I don't see any way of downloading this file.

Not your fault, the patch has been removed!

You don't need it anymore: now the Steam version has the patch included, and you can choose if you want to play the censored or the uncensored version when you start the game.


Thank you for your kindly consideration!


Hi there, I bought the game off Steam. How do I download the adult patch from this page?

Guys, if you find any issue running the patch or accessing your Steam key from itchio, please tell me (here, on my Discord, or through PM on Twitter or even facebook), and I'll fix it asap.

Hi, i have an issue running the patch on Steam version. Simply, the game can`t find any png files (the error is: "IOError: Couldn't find file '[file_path].png'). I placed patch as you said in game folder. I guess this is because images in different format??? idk. 

XD the images are simply encrypted. My programmer is already on it. We'll fix it in a few hours!